Il Castello Oppenweiler
We’re Closed
  • Bruschetta Classica A 5,00

    Toasted bread with fresh tomatoes
    and basil

  • Bruschetta Mista A,1,3 7,00

    Toasted bread with fresh tomatoes, grilled vegetables and Parma ham

  • Vitello Tonnato D,C 13,50

    Veal slices in tuna cream

  • Carpaccio di Manzo G 16,00

    Marinated beef slices
    with rocket and parmesan slivers

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Mozzarella Caprese G 15,00

    Buffalo mozzarella with fresh
    tomatoes and basil

  • Antipasto di Verdure 11,00

    Grilled vegetables

  • Insalata
    Frutti di Mare D,B

    Fresh seafood salad

  • Antipasto
    Castello G,1,2,3,6,L

    Grilled vegetables, mozzarella, fresh tomatoes, vitello tonnato, Parma ham
    with melon, salami, olives

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Crema di Pomodoro 7,00

    cream of tomato soup

  • Minestrone 8,00

    Vegetable soup

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Pizza Pane bianca
    con olio e Oregano A

    Pizza with oil and oregano

  • Pizza Pane Rossa A 7,50
  • Pizza Marinara A,5 9,00

    With capers, olives and anchovies

  • Pizza Margherita A,G 8,50

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella

  • Pizza Bufalina A,G 13,00

    With tomato sauce and buffalo mozzarella

  • Pizza Funghi A,G 11,00

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella
    and mushrooms

  • Pizza
    Prosciutto A,G,1,2,12

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella
    and ham

  • Pizza
    Prosciutto e Funghi A,G,1,2,12

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella,
    ham and mushroom

  • Pizza
    Prosciutto e Salami A,G,1,2,12,8

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella,
    ham and salami

  • Pizza Hawaii A,G,1,2 13,50

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella,
    ham and pineapple

  • Pizza Salami A,G,1,2,8 12,50

    with tomato sauce,
    mozzarella and salami

  • Pizza Verdure A,G 12,00

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella
    and vegetables

  • Pizza
    Quattro Stagioni A,G,2,3,12,5

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella, ham,
    Artischocken, Champignons, Salami

  • Pizza
    Capricciosa A,G,2,3,12

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella, ham,
    Artichokes, salami, olives

  • Pizza Mimosa A,G,2,3,12 13,50

    With mozzarella, cream,
    ham and corn

  • Pizza Tonno
    e Cipolla A,G,D,2,3,12

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella,
    Thunfisch und Zwiebeln

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Pizza Roma A,G,1 14,00

    With tomato sauce, artichokes,
    Pecorino shavings and bacon

  • Pizza Regina A,G,1,12 15,00

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella, Parma ham, Arugula, cherry tomatoes and parmesan shavings

  • Pizza
    Frutti di Mare A,G,D,R,2,3

    With tomato sauce and
    fresh seafood

  • Pizza Castello A,G,1 16,50

    With salsiccia, porcini mushrooms
    and parmesan shavings

  • Pizza Quattro Formaggi A,G,8 15,00

    With mozzarella, gorgonzola cheese,
    Scamorza cheese and parmesan

  • Pizza
    Tronchetto A,G,2,3,12

    With mozzarella, scamorza cheese, Parma ham,
    Cherry tomatoes and parmesan

  • Pizza Cosenza A,G,1,2,5,8 15,50

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella, spicy
    Salami, Scamorza cheese, Olive

  • Pizza Calzone A,G,1,2,12 13,50

    Mit Tomatensauce, Mozzarella, Schinken und Champignons

  • Pizza Brokkoli e Salsiccia A,G,1,2,8 15,00

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella, broccoli
    and Italian sausage

  • Pizza
    Salami and funghi A,G

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella,
    salami and mushroom

  • Pizza Salami e Peperoni A,G,1,2,8 13,50

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella,
    Salami and roasted peppers

  • Pizza Patate e Salsiccia A,G,1,2,8,12 13,50

    With potatoes and Italian sausage

  • Pizza Salami, Prosciutto e Funghi A,G,1,2,8,12 14,00

    Mit Salami, Schinken und Champignons

  • Pizza
    Speciale Stella A,G,1,2,5,8

    Custom pizza

  • Pizza Gorgonzola Noci e Pere A,G 16,50

    with gorgonzola cheese,
    walnuts and pears

  • Pizza Spinaci e Salmone A,G,D 15,50

    With spinach and salmon

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Mista Piccola J,I 6,00

    Small mixed salad

  • Mista Grande J,I 9,00

    Large mixed salad

  • Insalata Pomodoro e Cipolla J,I 8,00

    Fresh tomatoes with Tropea onion
    and basil

  • Insalata di Rucola J,G,I 11,00

    rocket salad with fresh tomatoes,
    Parmesan slivers
    and balsamic dressing

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Insalata di
    Salmone J,D,I

    Mixed leaf salad bouquet
    with salmon and avocado

  • Insalata
    con Tacchino J,I,1,2,5

    Mixed leaf salad bouquet
    with turkey strips

  • Insalata di Tonno J,I,D 14,00

    Mixed leaf salad bouquet
    and tuna fillet

  • Insalata Vegana J,I,S 14,00

    Bouquet of mixed leaf salad with dried tomatoes, Avocado and pine nuts

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Spaghetti Aglio e Olio A 9,00

    With garlic and hot peperoncini

  • Spaghetti Pomodoro A 10,00

    With tomato sauce and basil

  • Penne
    All`Arrabbiata A

    Noodles with Spicy Tomato Sauce

  • Paccheri con
    punta di Filetto e
    Pomodorini di Collina A

    Fresh pasta with strips of beef fillet
    and mountain tomatoes

  • Tagliatelle
    al Salmone A,C,D

    Fresh tagliatelle with salmon strips

  • Bigoli ai
    frutti di Mare A,C,D,3

    Fresh spaghettoni with seafood
    and cherry tomatoes

  • Ravioli Ricotta
    e Spinaci al
    Burro e Salvia A,G

    Homemade dumplings filled
    with ricotta cheese and spinach
    in buttery sage sauce

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Ravioli Ricotta e Spinaci
    al Pomodoro A,G

    Homemade dumplings filled
    with ricotta cheese and spinach in tomato sauce

  • Gnocchi Quattro Formaggi A,G 15,00

    Potato dumplings in cheese sauce

  • Lasagna Classica Emiliana A,G 14,50

    With bolognese and béchamel sauce

  • Tortellini Panna e Prosciutto A,G 13,00

    Dumplings filled with meat
    in cream sauce

  • Spaghetti Bolognese A 13,50

    With minced meat sauce

  • Spaghetti
    Carbonara A,G

    Mit Ei und Speck

  • Pasta al Forno A,G 14,50

    Baked noodles
    mit Schinken, Champignons und Aurorasoße

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

Alle mit Rosmarinkartoffeln und Gemüse

  • Scaloppina al Vino Bianco A,G 25,00

    Saddle of veal in a fine white wine sauce

  • Scaloppina
    al Limone A,G

    Saddle of veal in lemon sauce

  • Saltimbocca alla Romana A,G,2,3,12 26,50

    Saddle of veal with Parma ham
    and sage

  • Tagliata di Manzo
    con Rucola
    e Parmigiano 250g G

    Beef roast beef on a bed of arugula
    and parmesan slivers

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Filetto al Pepe Verde 40,00

    Tender fillet of beef in pepper sauce

  • Filetto alla Griglia 39,50

    Tender fillet of beef from the grill

  • Grigliata Mista di Carne 30,00

    Grilled meat variation

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

Alle mit Rosmarinkartoffeln und Gemüse

  • Calamari alla Griglia D 22,50

    Grilled squid

  • Filetto di Salmone
    alla Griglia D

    Grilled salmon fillet

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Gamberoni
    alla Griglia B

    Grilled king prawns

  • Grigliata Mista di Pesce D,B,R 34,50

    Grilled fish variation

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Tiramisù Classico A,G,8 7,00
  • Panna Cotta A,G 7,00
  • Tartufo Classico A,G,T 7,80

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Pizza Nutella A 9,00
  • mixed cheese G,1,3,8 10,00
  • Tartufo al Pistacchio a,g,t 7,80

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

& Longdrinks

  • Crodino 2,10 5,50


  • Gin Tonic 1,6,10 7,50
  • Aperol spritz 2,L 7,50
  • Aperitivo Castello 7,50
  • Lillet Wild Berry 9,50
  • Vodka Tonic 7,50
  • Martini 7,50


  • Jack Daniel`s 5,00


  • Jacky Cola 7,50
  • Campari 6,50


  • Campari Soda 7,50
  • Campari Orange 8,50
  • Hugo 8,50
  • Cuba Libre 9,50
  • Limoncello Spritz 8,50

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • San Pellegrino 5,50


  • San Pellegrino 6,50


  • acqua panna 5,50


  • acqua panna 6,50


  • Apfelschorle 2,80


  • Maracujaschorle 2,80


  • Orangeschorle 2,80


  • Johannisbeerschorle 2,80


  • Traubenschorle 2,80


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

Vaihinger Premium Saft

  • Apple juice 3,50


  • Apple juice 5,50


  • orange juice 3,50


  • orange juice 5,50


  • grape juice 3,50


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Apfelschorle 4,80


  • maracujaschorle 4,80


  • orangeschorle 4,80


  • Johannisbeerschorle 4,80


  • Traubenschorle 4,80


  • Bitter Lemon 10,7 3,50


  • Pepsi Cola 1,4,7 3,20


  • Pepsi Cola Zero 1,4,7 3,20


  • Mirinda 1,7 3,20


  • 7UP 3 3,20


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

Vaihinger Premium Saft

  • grape juice 5,50


  • currant juice 3,80


  • currant juice 6,00


  • passion fruit juice 3,80


  • passion fruit juice 6,00


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Export on tap 3,50


  • Radler 3,00


  • Export on tap 4,50


  • Radler 4,50


  • Yeast White beer 4,50

    Paulaner on tap

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Wheat beer crystal 4,50


  • Weissbier Dark 4,50


  • Alcohol-free white beer 4,50


  • Alcohol-free Pils 3,50


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Pinot Grigio L 6,50

    White wine

  • Chardonnay L 6,50

    White wine

  • Rosè L 6,50

    White wine

  • Montepulciano L 7,00

    red wine

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Fellbacher Trollinger
    mit Lemberger L


  • Fellbacher Schiefer Riesling L 6,50


  • Fellbacher Schiefer Lemberger L 6,50


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Sauvignon 2021
    Cantina Tramin L

    grape variety: 100% Pinot Grigio
    Region: Italy, Trentino Alto Adige
    Color: Yellow The Pinot Grigio is full-bodied wine, soft and balanced throughout Taste and enchants with an extraordinary aroma of subtle fruit. Once the dry white wine has matured, you can feel it on the palate fine nuances of nuts and honey.

  • Pinot Grigio 2021
    Cantina Tramin L

    grape variety: 100% Sauvignon
    Region: Italy, Trentino Alto Adige
    Color: Color Yellow The Pinot Grigio is full-bodied wine, soft and balanced throughout Taste and enchants with an extraordinary aroma of subtle fruit. Once the dry white wine has matured, you can feel it on the palate fine nuances of nuts and honey.

  • Lugana 2021
    Cantina Buglioni L

    grape variety: 100% Trebbiano
    Region: Italy, Lombardy
    Color: Light straw yellow with green reflections The Buglioni Musa Lugana presents itself with an intense bouquet of flowers, citrus and white fruits. On the palate the wine is fruity, fresh, with good acidity and light minerality.

  • Critone 2021, Cantina L 28,00

    grape variety:
    90% Chardonnay,
    10% Sauvignon Blanc
    Region: Italy, Calabria

    fruity, aromatic The Librandi Crtone presents itself in the fragrance with exotic Fruits like pineapple and mango, but also some apricots and green apples. All very elegant and balanced with pleasant mineral tones. In the mouth goes the freshness, harmonious, vinous and juicy fruit of the Sauvignon in the typical creaminess of the Chardonnays about. A slightly aromatic wine with a good balance between fruit and Acid and very fine structure.

  • Il Nero di Casanova, 2018
    Della Spinetta L

    grape variety: 100% Sangiovese
    Region: Italy, Tuscany
    Dry, fruity
    Color: Dark ruby red Il Nero di Casanova presents itself with a Bouquet of cherries and ripe berries underlaid with delicate spice aromas. On the palate the wine is fruity and dry with a balanced tannin and acid structure and medium length.

  • Ue Passula
    Primitivo di Manduria 2017
    Vinosia L

    grape variety: 100% Primitivo di Manduria
    Region: Italy, Campania
    Dry, fruity
    Color: black-red The Vinosia Primitivo Ue Passula shows an intensive Notes of sweet cherries and wild berries. This red wine shows on the palate from Apulia great fullness and structure with an elegance that should not be despised and finesse that is anything but a matter of course for such a power wine.

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Espresso 4 2,50
  • Espresso double 4 4,00
  • Espresso affogato 4 4,50
  • Espresso corretto 4 4,50
  • Caffè lungo 4 3,50
  • Coffee 4 3,00
  • Cappuccino G,4 3,50
  • Latte Macchiato G,4 4,20
  • tea 3,00

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Ramazzotti L 4,50


  • Averna L 4,50


  • Amaro del Capo L 5,50


  • Limoncello L 4,50


  • Sambuca L 4,50


  • Grappa Classica L 4,50


  • Grappa Speciale L upon request


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • additives
    1 preservatives
    2 antioxidants
    3 dyes
    4 caffeine
    5 Blackened
    6 flavor enhancers
    7 sweeteners
    8 phosphates
    9 hams
    10 quinine
    11 contains a source of phenylanlain

  • allergens
    Dear customers, through our traditional way of cooking, there is a possibility that traces of allergy-causing foods in some our meals are included. Please speak to our staff for certain ingredients and reduce substances. However, we cannot guarantee a complete exclusion.

    A Cereals containing gluten
    B Crustaceans and Products
    C eggs
    and products derived therefrom
    D Fish and fish products
    E Peanuts and Produce
    F Soy (beans) and derivatives
    g milk and milk products (incl. lactose)
    H Nuts
    I Celery and Produce
    J Mustard
    K Sesame Seeds
    L sulfur dioxide / sulphites
    M lupins
    N Mollusks (snails, mussels, squid)
    O rice flour
    P Cornmeal
    Q mold cheese
    S pine nuts
    T alcohol

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We warmly welcome you

in our restaurant.
Experience culinary delights with delicious,
Italian specialties.
The dishes are always freshly prepared for you.
We will respond to your wishes as best we can,
so that you remember us pleasantly.
In a cozy atmosphere
we set up for you both private
as well as business celebrations such as
weddings, anniversaries, birthdays etc.
We offer you the right setting
for a variety of occasions.
We wish you pleasant and
culinary hours
in the „il Castello“
and look forward to your next visit.

Ristorante Il Castello

13.05.24 bis 21.05.24
Herzlich willkommen bei Ristorante Il Castello.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir vom 13. bis zum 21. Mai 2024 Betriebsferien haben. Während dieser Zeit sind wir geschlossen.

Ab dem 22. Mai 2024 sind wir wieder für Sie da und freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

We would love to hear from you

Drop Us A Line

Menu - Il Castello Oppenweiler
Il Castello Oppenweiler
We’re Closed
  • Bruschetta Classica A 5,00

    Toasted bread with fresh tomatoes
    and basil

  • Bruschetta Mista A,1,3 7,00

    Toasted bread with fresh tomatoes, grilled vegetables and Parma ham

  • Vitello Tonnato D,C 13,50

    Veal slices in tuna cream

  • Carpaccio di Manzo G 16,00

    Marinated beef slices
    with rocket and parmesan slivers

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Mozzarella Caprese G 15,00

    Buffalo mozzarella with fresh
    tomatoes and basil

  • Antipasto di Verdure 11,00

    Grilled vegetables

  • Insalata
    Frutti di Mare D,B

    Fresh seafood salad

  • Antipasto
    Castello G,1,2,3,6,L

    Grilled vegetables, mozzarella, fresh tomatoes, vitello tonnato, Parma ham
    with melon, salami, olives

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Crema di Pomodoro 7,00

    cream of tomato soup

  • Minestrone 8,00

    Vegetable soup

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Pizza Pane bianca
    con olio e Oregano A

    Pizza with oil and oregano

  • Pizza Pane Rossa A 7,50
  • Pizza Marinara A,5 9,00

    With capers, olives and anchovies

  • Pizza Margherita A,G 8,50

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella

  • Pizza Bufalina A,G 13,00

    With tomato sauce and buffalo mozzarella

  • Pizza Funghi A,G 11,00

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella
    and mushrooms

  • Pizza
    Prosciutto A,G,1,2,12

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella
    and ham

  • Pizza
    Prosciutto e Funghi A,G,1,2,12

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella,
    ham and mushroom

  • Pizza
    Prosciutto e Salami A,G,1,2,12,8

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella,
    ham and salami

  • Pizza Hawaii A,G,1,2 13,50

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella,
    ham and pineapple

  • Pizza Salami A,G,1,2,8 12,50

    with tomato sauce,
    mozzarella and salami

  • Pizza Verdure A,G 12,00

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella
    and vegetables

  • Pizza
    Quattro Stagioni A,G,2,3,12,5

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella, ham,
    Artischocken, Champignons, Salami

  • Pizza
    Capricciosa A,G,2,3,12

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella, ham,
    Artichokes, salami, olives

  • Pizza Mimosa A,G,2,3,12 13,50

    With mozzarella, cream,
    ham and corn

  • Pizza Tonno
    e Cipolla A,G,D,2,3,12

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella,
    Thunfisch und Zwiebeln

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Pizza Roma A,G,1 14,00

    With tomato sauce, artichokes,
    Pecorino shavings and bacon

  • Pizza Regina A,G,1,12 15,00

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella, Parma ham, Arugula, cherry tomatoes and parmesan shavings

  • Pizza
    Frutti di Mare A,G,D,R,2,3

    With tomato sauce and
    fresh seafood

  • Pizza Castello A,G,1 16,50

    With salsiccia, porcini mushrooms
    and parmesan shavings

  • Pizza Quattro Formaggi A,G,8 15,00

    With mozzarella, gorgonzola cheese,
    Scamorza cheese and parmesan

  • Pizza
    Tronchetto A,G,2,3,12

    With mozzarella, scamorza cheese, Parma ham,
    Cherry tomatoes and parmesan

  • Pizza Cosenza A,G,1,2,5,8 15,50

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella, spicy
    Salami, Scamorza cheese, Olive

  • Pizza Calzone A,G,1,2,12 13,50

    Mit Tomatensauce, Mozzarella, Schinken und Champignons

  • Pizza Brokkoli e Salsiccia A,G,1,2,8 15,00

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella, broccoli
    and Italian sausage

  • Pizza
    Salami and funghi A,G

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella,
    salami and mushroom

  • Pizza Salami e Peperoni A,G,1,2,8 13,50

    With tomato sauce, mozzarella,
    Salami and roasted peppers

  • Pizza Patate e Salsiccia A,G,1,2,8,12 13,50

    With potatoes and Italian sausage

  • Pizza Salami, Prosciutto e Funghi A,G,1,2,8,12 14,00

    Mit Salami, Schinken und Champignons

  • Pizza
    Speciale Stella A,G,1,2,5,8

    Custom pizza

  • Pizza Gorgonzola Noci e Pere A,G 16,50

    with gorgonzola cheese,
    walnuts and pears

  • Pizza Spinaci e Salmone A,G,D 15,50

    With spinach and salmon

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Mista Piccola J,I 6,00

    Small mixed salad

  • Mista Grande J,I 9,00

    Large mixed salad

  • Insalata Pomodoro e Cipolla J,I 8,00

    Fresh tomatoes with Tropea onion
    and basil

  • Insalata di Rucola J,G,I 11,00

    rocket salad with fresh tomatoes,
    Parmesan slivers
    and balsamic dressing

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Insalata di
    Salmone J,D,I

    Mixed leaf salad bouquet
    with salmon and avocado

  • Insalata
    con Tacchino J,I,1,2,5

    Mixed leaf salad bouquet
    with turkey strips

  • Insalata di Tonno J,I,D 14,00

    Mixed leaf salad bouquet
    and tuna fillet

  • Insalata Vegana J,I,S 14,00

    Bouquet of mixed leaf salad with dried tomatoes, Avocado and pine nuts

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Spaghetti Aglio e Olio A 9,00

    With garlic and hot peperoncini

  • Spaghetti Pomodoro A 10,00

    With tomato sauce and basil

  • Penne
    All`Arrabbiata A

    Noodles with Spicy Tomato Sauce

  • Paccheri con
    punta di Filetto e
    Pomodorini di Collina A

    Fresh pasta with strips of beef fillet
    and mountain tomatoes

  • Tagliatelle
    al Salmone A,C,D

    Fresh tagliatelle with salmon strips

  • Bigoli ai
    frutti di Mare A,C,D,3

    Fresh spaghettoni with seafood
    and cherry tomatoes

  • Ravioli Ricotta
    e Spinaci al
    Burro e Salvia A,G

    Homemade dumplings filled
    with ricotta cheese and spinach
    in buttery sage sauce

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Ravioli Ricotta e Spinaci
    al Pomodoro A,G

    Homemade dumplings filled
    with ricotta cheese and spinach in tomato sauce

  • Gnocchi Quattro Formaggi A,G 15,00

    Potato dumplings in cheese sauce

  • Lasagna Classica Emiliana A,G 14,50

    With bolognese and béchamel sauce

  • Tortellini Panna e Prosciutto A,G 13,00

    Dumplings filled with meat
    in cream sauce

  • Spaghetti Bolognese A 13,50

    With minced meat sauce

  • Spaghetti
    Carbonara A,G

    Mit Ei und Speck

  • Pasta al Forno A,G 14,50

    Baked noodles
    mit Schinken, Champignons und Aurorasoße

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

Alle mit Rosmarinkartoffeln und Gemüse

  • Scaloppina al Vino Bianco A,G 25,00

    Saddle of veal in a fine white wine sauce

  • Scaloppina
    al Limone A,G

    Saddle of veal in lemon sauce

  • Saltimbocca alla Romana A,G,2,3,12 26,50

    Saddle of veal with Parma ham
    and sage

  • Tagliata di Manzo
    con Rucola
    e Parmigiano 250g G

    Beef roast beef on a bed of arugula
    and parmesan slivers

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Filetto al Pepe Verde 40,00

    Tender fillet of beef in pepper sauce

  • Filetto alla Griglia 39,50

    Tender fillet of beef from the grill

  • Grigliata Mista di Carne 30,00

    Grilled meat variation

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

Alle mit Rosmarinkartoffeln und Gemüse

  • Calamari alla Griglia D 22,50

    Grilled squid

  • Filetto di Salmone
    alla Griglia D

    Grilled salmon fillet

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Gamberoni
    alla Griglia B

    Grilled king prawns

  • Grigliata Mista di Pesce D,B,R 34,50

    Grilled fish variation

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Tiramisù Classico A,G,8 7,00
  • Panna Cotta A,G 7,00
  • Tartufo Classico A,G,T 7,80

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Pizza Nutella A 9,00
  • mixed cheese G,1,3,8 10,00
  • Tartufo al Pistacchio a,g,t 7,80

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

& Longdrinks

  • Crodino 2,10 5,50


  • Gin Tonic 1,6,10 7,50
  • Aperol spritz 2,L 7,50
  • Aperitivo Castello 7,50
  • Lillet Wild Berry 9,50
  • Vodka Tonic 7,50
  • Martini 7,50


  • Jack Daniel`s 5,00


  • Jacky Cola 7,50
  • Campari 6,50


  • Campari Soda 7,50
  • Campari Orange 8,50
  • Hugo 8,50
  • Cuba Libre 9,50
  • Limoncello Spritz 8,50

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • San Pellegrino 5,50


  • San Pellegrino 6,50


  • acqua panna 5,50


  • acqua panna 6,50


  • Apfelschorle 2,80


  • Maracujaschorle 2,80


  • Orangeschorle 2,80


  • Johannisbeerschorle 2,80


  • Traubenschorle 2,80


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

Vaihinger Premium Saft

  • Apple juice 3,50


  • Apple juice 5,50


  • orange juice 3,50


  • orange juice 5,50


  • grape juice 3,50


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Apfelschorle 4,80


  • maracujaschorle 4,80


  • orangeschorle 4,80


  • Johannisbeerschorle 4,80


  • Traubenschorle 4,80


  • Bitter Lemon 10,7 3,50


  • Pepsi Cola 1,4,7 3,20


  • Pepsi Cola Zero 1,4,7 3,20


  • Mirinda 1,7 3,20


  • 7UP 3 3,20


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

Vaihinger Premium Saft

  • grape juice 5,50


  • currant juice 3,80


  • currant juice 6,00


  • passion fruit juice 3,80


  • passion fruit juice 6,00


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Export on tap 3,50


  • Radler 3,00


  • Export on tap 4,50


  • Radler 4,50


  • Yeast White beer 4,50

    Paulaner on tap

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Wheat beer crystal 4,50


  • Weissbier Dark 4,50


  • Alcohol-free white beer 4,50


  • Alcohol-free Pils 3,50


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Pinot Grigio L 6,50

    White wine

  • Chardonnay L 6,50

    White wine

  • Rosè L 6,50

    White wine

  • Montepulciano L 7,00

    red wine

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Fellbacher Trollinger
    mit Lemberger L


  • Fellbacher Schiefer Riesling L 6,50


  • Fellbacher Schiefer Lemberger L 6,50


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Sauvignon 2021
    Cantina Tramin L

    grape variety: 100% Pinot Grigio
    Region: Italy, Trentino Alto Adige
    Color: Yellow The Pinot Grigio is full-bodied wine, soft and balanced throughout Taste and enchants with an extraordinary aroma of subtle fruit. Once the dry white wine has matured, you can feel it on the palate fine nuances of nuts and honey.

  • Pinot Grigio 2021
    Cantina Tramin L

    grape variety: 100% Sauvignon
    Region: Italy, Trentino Alto Adige
    Color: Color Yellow The Pinot Grigio is full-bodied wine, soft and balanced throughout Taste and enchants with an extraordinary aroma of subtle fruit. Once the dry white wine has matured, you can feel it on the palate fine nuances of nuts and honey.

  • Lugana 2021
    Cantina Buglioni L

    grape variety: 100% Trebbiano
    Region: Italy, Lombardy
    Color: Light straw yellow with green reflections The Buglioni Musa Lugana presents itself with an intense bouquet of flowers, citrus and white fruits. On the palate the wine is fruity, fresh, with good acidity and light minerality.

  • Critone 2021, Cantina L 28,00

    grape variety:
    90% Chardonnay,
    10% Sauvignon Blanc
    Region: Italy, Calabria

    fruity, aromatic The Librandi Crtone presents itself in the fragrance with exotic Fruits like pineapple and mango, but also some apricots and green apples. All very elegant and balanced with pleasant mineral tones. In the mouth goes the freshness, harmonious, vinous and juicy fruit of the Sauvignon in the typical creaminess of the Chardonnays about. A slightly aromatic wine with a good balance between fruit and Acid and very fine structure.

  • Il Nero di Casanova, 2018
    Della Spinetta L

    grape variety: 100% Sangiovese
    Region: Italy, Tuscany
    Dry, fruity
    Color: Dark ruby red Il Nero di Casanova presents itself with a Bouquet of cherries and ripe berries underlaid with delicate spice aromas. On the palate the wine is fruity and dry with a balanced tannin and acid structure and medium length.

  • Ue Passula
    Primitivo di Manduria 2017
    Vinosia L

    grape variety: 100% Primitivo di Manduria
    Region: Italy, Campania
    Dry, fruity
    Color: black-red The Vinosia Primitivo Ue Passula shows an intensive Notes of sweet cherries and wild berries. This red wine shows on the palate from Apulia great fullness and structure with an elegance that should not be despised and finesse that is anything but a matter of course for such a power wine.

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Espresso 4 2,50
  • Espresso double 4 4,00
  • Espresso affogato 4 4,50
  • Espresso corretto 4 4,50
  • Caffè lungo 4 3,50
  • Coffee 4 3,00
  • Cappuccino G,4 3,50
  • Latte Macchiato G,4 4,20
  • tea 3,00

All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • Ramazzotti L 4,50


  • Averna L 4,50


  • Amaro del Capo L 5,50


  • Limoncello L 4,50


  • Sambuca L 4,50


  • Grappa Classica L 4,50


  • Grappa Speciale L upon request


All prices in euros including service and VAT.
Identification of additives and allergens
described at the bottom of the page

  • additives
    1 preservatives
    2 antioxidants
    3 dyes
    4 caffeine
    5 Blackened
    6 flavor enhancers
    7 sweeteners
    8 phosphates
    9 hams
    10 quinine
    11 contains a source of phenylanlain

  • allergens
    Dear customers, through our traditional way of cooking, there is a possibility that traces of allergy-causing foods in some our meals are included. Please speak to our staff for certain ingredients and reduce substances. However, we cannot guarantee a complete exclusion.

    A Cereals containing gluten
    B Crustaceans and Products
    C eggs
    and products derived therefrom
    D Fish and fish products
    E Peanuts and Produce
    F Soy (beans) and derivatives
    g milk and milk products (incl. lactose)
    H Nuts
    I Celery and Produce
    J Mustard
    K Sesame Seeds
    L sulfur dioxide / sulphites
    M lupins
    N Mollusks (snails, mussels, squid)
    O rice flour
    P Cornmeal
    Q mold cheese
    S pine nuts
    T alcohol

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We warmly welcome you

in our restaurant.
Experience culinary delights with delicious,
Italian specialties.
The dishes are always freshly prepared for you.
We will respond to your wishes as best we can,
so that you remember us pleasantly.
In a cozy atmosphere
we set up for you both private
as well as business celebrations such as
weddings, anniversaries, birthdays etc.
We offer you the right setting
for a variety of occasions.
We wish you pleasant and
culinary hours
in the „il Castello“
and look forward to your next visit.

Ristorante Il Castello

13.05.24 bis 21.05.24
Herzlich willkommen bei Ristorante Il Castello.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir vom 13. bis zum 21. Mai 2024 Betriebsferien haben. Während dieser Zeit sind wir geschlossen.

Ab dem 22. Mai 2024 sind wir wieder für Sie da und freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

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